Fields manipulation

The FIELDS module and the MEDCoupling library provide several powerful functionalities around the input and output data of field-physics-oriented simulation codes. Data manipulated by MEDCoupling are objects relative to fields for simulation codes.

MEDCoupling functionalities are accessible through:

  • C++ API
  • medcoupling Python module (generated by wrapping of C++ API above)
  • FIELDS module within SALOME

MEDCoupling functionalities can be split into 4 categories:

  • Data movement: read/write from/to file, reduce, extract, duplicate, aggregate, compare, exchange data memory to memory across process.
  • Data analysis: extract/gather information in data to transform it into a condensed workable data (not necessarily field linked) for further use.
  • Data conversion: interpolate, project, repair, decimate, format conversion to couple multiple simulation codes.
  • Data optimization for simulation code: renumbering, partitioning for multiprocessor codes.
A piecewise constant cell field on a hexahedral mesh (left) interpolated onto a tetrahedral mesh (right).

More information in the tutorial and the user’s guide.